Aktuální nabídka brouků a larev. Nabízené druhy jsou k dispozici k prodeji i výměně.
Here you can find my current availability list of live beetles and larvae. All are available for both, sale or exchange.
Eudicella gralli allaeri L1
Eudicella schultzeorum L1
Eudicella euthalia shiratica (Tanzanie) L2
Eudicella trilineata interruptefasciata L2
Coelorrhina cornuta L2/L3
Dicronorrhina oberthuri L2
Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis (typical form)
Megasoma gyas porioni L2 (few last pcs)
Contact: goliathus@goliathus.com
So you are finally back in breeding beetles? This is awesome! Glad to hear one of the good breeders is back! Cheers
Hi Ben, yup, I am back